Sunday, July 11, 2010

Field Trip #2-Daggerwing Nature Center

During the course of the class, you will embark on self guided field experiences. Each field trip has specific objectives, read through them before embarking on your self-guided trip and comment on what you learned. Provide a reflection of your experience for each field trip. This entry is a personal reflection that should capture how you felt, what you enjoyed, what you may not have enjoyed, etc. Impressions, feelings, ideas, what did you like about it? Would you visit this area again?

This field trip was amazing! I took my brother with me to Daggerwing Nature Center, and it is in the middle of baseball fields and basketball courts, not to mention a water park right across the road. I was not expecting to see what Daggerwing Nature Center really had to offer. Inside were two rooms, one had four tanks that contained a Box snake, a skunk, a tortuous, and the last was empty. In the next room was an adventure. It started off with being under ground. As I continued to walk, I walked into the main room, which was filled with real wild life and statues of wildlife. The animals that were in tanks were: a soft shell turtle, an alligator, and an owl. These animals can be adopted or people could give donations. Around the room were stations that explained different things, such as how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, and how the food chain works. However, I thought the neatest piece was a bumblebee, which one could sit in and hit buttons to watch different pieces about bees in their natural habitat.

After exploring both of these worlds I walked outside to the boardwalk. There is over forty acres of preserved swamp habitat in this area and I was able to walk around and see the marshes. Throughout my walk on the boardwalk I saw beautiful white and blue bird houses. The trees were bountiful and each tree was listed on the boardwalk. Thank goodness I did not see any snakes; because the whole time I was walking I was terrified one would fall out of a tree or some other equally frightening appearance. The Daggerwing Nature Center was an amazing fieldtrip; I really liked the inside of the center as well as the board walk. My favorite part was the room. I was very upset at how the nature center was placed and not well known. I would definitely visit this area again. My younger cousins are coming into town and I already told my mom that is a place I want to take them.
 IIn front of Daggerwing Taken By: Colin Gates

 Above Ground (Learning Room)

Bumblebee Television

Learning about Decomposition

Learning about underwater Food Chain

Animals For Adoption




Outside Fish

A great saying "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

On the Boardwalk Taken by: Colin Gates

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