Sunday, July 11, 2010

Incoming Reflection

What are your initial expectations of Colloquium, feelings? Consider the following: Briefly describe any experience you have with exploring wilderness areas here or in other regions. Describe your relationship with the natural world. Describe any anxieties or reservations you have about this class. What are your personal goals for this class? Describe how this class might be an important component to your education, major or life experiences

I expect Colloquium to help me realize the impact, not only that I have, but that everyone has on the environment. I would like to become more aware of my actions, and learn more about the environment. Other than camping trips and hikes, I have not been exposed to the wilderness. I did go on camping trips in Maryland where we built tents, made camp fires, and lived without electricity, heat, or the outside world for the weekend. These camping trips were when I was eight years old and it is the most outdoor experience I have had. I do not think that I have the best relationship with the nature in our world. I enjoy going to the beach and lakes, but my fear of snakes keeps me from going anywhere that they might possibly be.

Since I have been in school I have only taken classes that are geared towards the health profession, so I am very interested about taking this class and what it will offer me for everyday life. In the future I plan to build a home and this class will help me learn about sustainable energy and how to construct a home that will meet my “comfort” needs and at the same time allow me to use building products, forms or energy and other things that will help create a greener environment.  My mother and father have taught me, over the years, to always turn off lights, change air filters, insulate windows and doors and conserve water usage.  This has been a good start, but I hope to expand my knowledge during this class. I am not sure how this class will apply to my major, Nursing, but I know there can be ways for the building and the actual hospital energy and gas to be greener.  In my own profession and everyday life as a nurse, I could be more conscious of discovering ways to increase sustainability.

Anxieties I have for this class are that it is a summer class and it is a lot of work. I would like to learn everything about this class there is to offer without being on an overload of work. However, I am excited to learn about ways that I can help the planet through my actions and maybe even teach other people about those ways.

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