Sunday, July 11, 2010

Final Impressions

What are your final Impressions of Colloquium? What changes would you make to the course? What assignments would you keep or discard? What readings did you like or dislike and why? What suggestions for activities or field trips do you have?

I thought Colloquium was going to be one of those classes, required to take by the University, that was pointless and time consuming. I read the syllabus and just kept thinking how much work I would have to do for this class. However, what I didn’t expect was for this class to give me insight about the environment and how everyday it is being destroyed. This class has really helped me open my eyes about my impact on the environment and given me numerous tips to help me, help the environment.
If I could change anything about the online course, it would be to have the lessons posted all at once. For people who have jobs and other classes, it would be extremely helpful to have the lessons posted all at once, so when they have time they can do it or get ahead. Also, for people who are not very technical, certain things should be explained or have help questions that other students have had.  
I would definitely keep the group project on State of the World, not only does it help students learn how to do group work, but it was interesting to do.  Not only was I able to look deeper into my chapter, but it was more interesting to learn from.  I really enjoyed reading the piece by Marjory Stoneman Douglas, especially living near the Everglades.  I liked the discussion board, because it was good to see other people’s view on the readings and videos. The videos were great to watch, it was a visual learning, which is my strong learning.
I highly recommend people go to Gumbo Limbo; the field trip that I went on was amazing. I was able to see all types of animals and learn how we are destroying the water. For a recommended field trip, I would like to go to a trash facility. To see how much people throw away that shouldn’t be.  I think that could be a real eye opener as well. 

Option for field trip

It is great to see other people around the world are becoming more aware of the need for sustainable teachings:

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